What I look for in a Resume
In this post I review what I’m looking for in a resume. I try to give practical advice based on both my experience and the feedback I’ve seen others give.
How to write goals that actually matter
Writing goals can be daunting and feel pointless. In this post I try to give practical advice that I’ve used myself and shared with the people I manage.
How do you bounce back after a negative annual review?
Last month a friend and coworker asked to meet with me. They had just received a negative review for the first time in their career, and they were trying to figure out where to go from here. This is a topic I haven’t seen discussed much, so it’s probably worth diving into. About twice a…
How do I get started working in Technology X?
One of the most frequently asked questions I get is how to transition into working in a new field or technology.
Healthy Work-Life Boundaries
I try to offer the tips I have for how to set and stick to boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
A template for running effective 1:1s
How do you structure 1:1s to be more effective? I share the template I use that has gotten a lot of positive feedback.
Miserable 1:1s and how to right the ship
Practical advice on how to deal with 1:1s that leave you unhappy to the point that you struggle to be productive.